At American Craftmen, we set the standard for bath and kitchen remodeling in Naples, Florida with our dedicated in-house manufacturing. By selecting the finest North American lumber, we provide superior quality and adaptability for every kitchen and bath remodeling project in Naples, Florida.

Our Process

This process is designed to be collaborative and transparent, ensuring your remodel is a stress-free, enjoyable experience that results in complete joy over your new kitchen or bath.
The journey begins with an in-depth discussion to understand your vision, preferences, and functional needs for your kitchen or bath, or another room in your home. This is coupled with a site visit to assess the space, take precise measurements, and identify any structural, electrical or plumbing considerations.
Action Steps: First, tour our factory (optional but encouraged!) and schedule an appointment with our experts. Prepare a wish list and provide any inspiration images you have.
With the design in place, it’s time to select the materials and finishes that will bring your remodel to life. From countertops and cabinetry to fixtures and flooring, we guide you through choosing the perfect elements to match your aesthetic and functional needs.
Action Steps: Visit our factory and make your selections with the assistance of our design experts.
With the design finalized and materials selected, you’ll receive a final detailed quote outlining the costs, as well as a project timeline that includes key milestones. This ensures transparency and sets clear expectations for the duration of the remodel.
Action Steps: Review and approve the quote and timeline. Sign the project agreement.
Using the information gathered during the consultation, our designers will create a customized design plan. This includes detailed 3D drawings that offer a virtual walkthrough of your future kitchen or bath, allowing you to visualize the transformation.
Action Steps: Review the 3D models and floor plans. Provide feedback for any modifications.
Our skilled craftsmen begin the transformation of your space, adhering to the highest standards of quality and precision. We manage every aspect of the construction, ensuring a smooth and efficient process, with the utmost respect for your belongings and minimal disruption to your daily life.
Action Steps: Prepare the area for remodel. Stay informed with regular project updates. Conduct a final walkthrough upon completion to ensure every detail meets your satisfaction.
Our relationship doesn’t end when your project does. We provide post-project support to ensure you’re completely happy with your new space. This includes addressing any concerns and offering maintenance tips to keep your kitchen or bath looking beautiful.
Action Steps: Be sure to reach out to us with any post-project repairs, adjustments or questions. Enjoy your newly remodeled space!

Project Gallery

Start Your Project Now!

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

5833 Houchin Street
Naples, FL

Start Your Project Now!

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

5833 Houchin Street
Naples, FL

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